“I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.”
– Billy Joel
Hello there! My name is Austin Alford – musician, producer, and artist. As the son of two musical parents, music surrounded my every step. Music was never forced on me, and I didn’t find joy playing guitar when I first picked it up at the age of twelve. But about a year later, I thought to give it another go. I found a love for music.
This newfound love for music sparked something in me, and thus began the journey of becoming a musician – a creative. I dove in headfirst with a few lessons, a lot of practice, and hours of jamming with other musicians to stretch my skills. Music became a way for me to have fun and be creative.
Recently, I’ve been giving one-on-one guitar lessons, helping other acoustic and electric players grow in their craft. With limited time, I wanted to create something that would encompass the same feel as one-on-one lessons while being accessible to everyone! With that, the Guitar Lesson Catapult (GLC) was born!
Having logged over 10,000 hours from the past eleven years of playing guitar, I’m excited to teach some of what I’ve learned! This course is for someone who may never have played or wants to further grow in their gift!
This course will include:
- 5 Video Lessons, covering:
- Music Theory
- Music Comprehension
- Major Scales
- National Number System
- G Chord Shapes
- Capo Usage and Understanding
- D Chord Shapes
- E Chord Shapes
- 5 & 6 String Bar Chords
- 5 Corresponding PDF’s with each Lesson
- Guitar Habit Formula Sheet

Most one-on-one lessons go for $40-$100 per session. GLC is a one-time payment of $80! And, here’s the best part: once you join the GLC Community, it’s yours forever!
PAYMENT – Just a $80 payment via PayPal link: PAYPAL
Venmo: @Austin-Alford-14
Cashapp: $AustinTAlford
INFORMATION: Please fill and submit your information below.
ALL DONE! You will get added within 24 hours to the GLC Community! Once added, you will receive a welcome email and text with your login information.
Thank you again for choosing the Guitar Lesson Catapult! I look forward to hearing how it impacts you and grows your skills!
REVIEWS from GLC Members!

“Austin took the time to start at the most fundamental, foundational aspects of music theory that allowed me to truly understand guitar instead of memorize guitar for the first time in my life.”
“GLC with Austin provided me with the foundational knowledge necessary to pursue my own unique path in an enjoyable and motivating manner.”